Course Preview

Mapping Past Maybe is a 4-week coaching course designed for women ready to own their future and live the life they were made for. It is a hybrid course, meaning it includes weekly live coaching sessions, recorded sessions to meet your schedule, and weekly assignments that we call "Rest Stops."

Rest Stops in this course are like rest stops on the highway - a place to pause, grab a beverage or snack, and breathe. As you work on your 'rest stops' in the course, I invite you to focus on YOU, your beautiful future, and what positive impacts your decision to live your best life will have on your mental and physical health as well as your family's.

We talk about overcoming the guilt of 'leaving a perfectly good job" to pursue what makes your heart smile while talking about the financial & logistical preparation that may be needed.

Every woman's situation is slightly different, but at the end of the day - we're all working toward the same thing - living our Very Best Life.

The course requires time and commitment to the process for you to gain the most benefit from it.

In this course, I teach you the six steps I used to retire early from my teaching career to run my five-year small business (then, side hustle) - now full-time and thriving.

To be sure, these were not prescribed steps. I didn't have a road map or process that someone shared with me. I did what seemed right - tried, learned, stumbled, and tried again until I figured things out. I wish I had had a road map! That's why I created one from the process I intuitively worked through. Now I'm sharing it with other women ready for their own change. :)

Deciding enough is enough and taking charge of your future is a BIG step, one that can lead to a journey that will be short or long. The choice is yours. Either way, it requires clarity, confidence, and willingness to work hard. Are you ready?

It's both exciting and terrifying when we finally commit to doing what our heart feels (and needs). As someone who took TEN years to make the leap, I take my commitment to helping 'map' futures seriously! I applaud you for considering your future.

During the four interactive course weeks, we focus on the first four steps in the process, helping you build your Life Map's foundation to move you past "Maybe" on a timeline that works for your life, family, and current situation.

After our four interactive course weeks, you'll have two additional months of coaching - monthly small group sessions via Zoom + 1:1 access, to help you continue into Steps 5 - 6 with support.

source: Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Welcome + Introductions (one week before the course opens)

  • Welcome videos
  • Our weekly schedule with topics and goals
  • Resources
  • FAQs
  • Terminology

You'll be invited to introduce yourself in the Comments section as you meet your instructor and cohort members there, too. Groups are capped at ten women to maximize your personalized experience in the course.

Week 1: Self-Assess + Identify

  • This week is about figuring out strengths, weaknesses, reasons. We 'get real' as we dig into our own 'stuff' and figure out our WHY, what's working, what's not, and how to address each toward our goals.
  • Weekly Live Q & A/Coaching via Zoom

Week 2: Explore + Discover

  • This week is about learning how to make time and develop processes to explore, discover, and capture tools, strategies, and skills that support your move toward your next chapter.
  • You will identify the time, cost, and commitment you'll need to invest in yourself to make your goal a reality.
  • You will begin thinking about your timeline.
  • Weekly Live Q & A/Coaching via Zoom

Week 3: Clarify + Create

  • This week is about sorting through All The Things learned in Weeks 1 & 2 and clarifying what's really essential and what's not.
  • You will begin creating a "first draft" of your Life Map with the information you've discovered so far: resources, skills, and strategies.
  • Weekly Live Q & A/Coaching via Zoom

Week 4: Compose + Build Confidence from Clarity

  • Like writing a great story, understanding how and where the pieces fit is essential to your success.
  • This week, you will continue refining your "working story" - your Life Map representing a realistic timeline that fits you. It will be actionable but flexible.
  • Weekly Live Q & A/Coaching via Zoom

Next Steps

  • It's time to implement (or continue implementing) your new Map! This could be baby steps or giant steps depending on where you are in your own journey
  • Small group and 1:1 coaching continues x two months


This course includes a toolbox of resources I've curated: online tools, people, and spaces that I use and recommend. Also included: templates and swipe files. New resources are added often.


What questions do you have? Chances are, someone has asked. I've added the most frequently asked to help you find quick answers and invite you to ask yours in the space provided. New questions are added often.


A list of terms associated with business ownership is included. New terms are added often.

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